Should you have an ultrasound-guided cortisone injection? Most doctors perform injections ‘blind.’ This means the doctor must know the anatomy to find the right spot. More commonly, some doctors are performing ultrasound-guided cortisone injections. Why do an ultrasound-guided cortisone injection, who should you get to do it, and how much should it cost in London?
What does an ultrasound-guided cortisone injection mean?
A guided injection allows the doctor to see the exact spot rather than guessing. There are two ways to see a needle. First, you can use an X-ray. Alternatively, we can use ultrasound. Which one is better?
X-ray vs. ultrasound: which is better for a guided cortisone injection?
In most cases, ultrasound is better than X-ray.
First, ultrasound is less expensive. Second, it doesn’t give you harmful radiation. Finally, ultrasound injections are more convenient as they are performed in an office rather than a hospital.
Previously, we thought X-rays were better as they were believed to be more accurate. However, recent studies suggest ultrasound is as precise as X-ray. Also, most patients prefer ultrasound.
Overall, ultrasound seems to have many advantages over X-ray. Even insurance companies like BUPA are now favouring ultrasound over X-ray injections.
Advantages of an ultrasound-guided cortisone injection
Generally, there are many advantages to an ultrasound-guided injection, including:
- more accuracy
- less pain for patients
- improved outcomes
- Fewer side effects
Also, as ultrasound is more accurate, there is less chance of injecting into nerves or blood vessels.
Disadvantages of an ultrasound-guided cortisone injection
Ultrasound injections are not all rosy. There are some disadvantages. First, they are difficult. It takes many years to develop the skills needed to inject safely. Second, they require extra equipment, such as an ultrasound machine and gel. This means the potential for contamination if not done correctly. Generally, it is essential that whoever does the injection uses a clean technique.
What injections do we do with ultrasound?
Generally, we perform most joint and tendon injections with ultrasound. However, spine injections should be done with an X-ray.
Some examples of injections that we do under ultrasound include:
Select the area on the body below and explore injection options for your pathology.
- Osteitis pubis
- Adductor tendonitis
- Hip arthritis
- Hip impingement
- Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
- Iliopsoas tendonitis
- Groin nerve pain
- High hamstring origin tendonitis
- Proximal hamstring tendon tear
- Piriformis syndrome
- Ischiofemoral impingement
- Meralgia Paraesthetica
- Sacroiliac joint pain
- Hyaluronic acid hip joint
- Nerve hydrodissection for nerve entrapments in the hip and groin
- Percutaneous needle tenotomy for hip tendonitis
- Ankle arthritis
- Arthrofibrosis ankle
- Tibialis posterior tendonitis
- Mid-foot arthritis
- Sub-talar joint arthritis
- Insertional Achilles tendonitis
- Mid-portion Achilles tendonitis
- Baxter's nerve entrapment
- Plantar fasciitis
- Morton's neuroma
- Big toe arthritis
- Ankle sprain
- Posterior ankle impingement
- Arthrofibrosis ankle joint
- Tarsal coalition
- Os peroneum
- Accessory navicular syndrome
- Sinus tarsi
- Nerve hydrodissection for ankle nerve entrapments
- Percutaneous needle tenotomy for ankle tendonitis
So, who should do a cortisone injection under ultrasound?
In the United Kingdom, many practitioners perform ultrasound injections, some better than others. These include specialists, General doctors, physiotherapists, and beauty therapists. Just like any procedure, the skill level can vary. Generally, specialist doctors get the most training in ultrasound injections.
It is essential to check the experience of whoever is performing your injection. Also, ensure your doctor uses good techniques, including gloves and clean injection packs.
See the short clip below of a lady having a cortisone injection. This technique uses this minimum standard.
Dr Masci’s Experience
Dr. Masci performs ultrasound-guided cortisone injections in London for joints and tendons.
He has over 15 years of experience using ultrasound and teaches other doctors how to inject. On average, he performs about 500-1000 injections a year. In addition, Dr. Masci has developed an online ultrasound injection course and written scientific papers on ultrasound-guided injections. Moreover, he speaks at international conferences, including the British Medical Ultrasound Society.
Review his self-pay injection rates here.
Final word from Sportdoctorlondon about Ultrasound-guided Cortisone Injection in London
Overall, ultrasound-guided cortisone injections are better. This is because they hit the spot and last longer. However, an ultrasound injection is a complex skill. Therefore, you should see an experienced doctor for your guided cortisone injection.
Thanks a lot for this article! I did not know that ultrasound guided injection was a thing. You performed it in a professional and confident way, so I might try that out!
Thanks, Fabian for your comments. I try to be as objective as possible in my blogs.