The sources of hip and groin pain can be identified through comprehensive MSK clinic assessment.

What are the most common sources of hip and groin pain?

There are a variety of MSK conditions that result in pain in the hip and groin. However, some of the most common ailments and injuries include hip arthritis, hip labral tears, and stress fractures. It is worth noting that hip pain often depends on your age and activity level. In addition, various other factors, such as family and medical history, play an essential role in determining the cause.  

Similarly, groin pain may be triggered by a variety of conditions. In general, people often refer to groin pain in sports as a groin pull or groin strain. These names suggest that the cause of pain is a muscle tear. However, while some causes of groin pain are due to a muscle tear, most longstanding pain is due to another reason. Specifically, the most common cause is pubic overload or osteitis pubis; but sports hernia, labral tears of the hip joint, and endometriosis should be considered. Finally, groin pain may also be “referred,” which means it originates from an entirely different location. For instance, the source may be a problem in the low back or joint between the sacrum and pelvis.   In a recent blog, we discuss the possible causes of hip and groin pain further. In addition, this recent paper discusses how to simplify the causes of groin pain

What treatments are available for hip and groin pain?

Dr Lorenzo Masci is particularly interested in diagnosing and managing hip and groin pain.  

The first step in treating a patient is to diagnose the exact cause of the pain. We accomplish this step by conducting a thorough history and examination. Then, we will perform the necessary scans and investigations.   Standard X-ray, an MRI scan, and MSK ultrasound can all be accomplished in one visit to our clinic. In general, imaging plays a vital role in evaluating each case. For example, Dr Masci recently helped develop a one-stop MRI scan for groin pain at Onewelbeck.

Once we find the cause, the next step is to decide on a management plan. Generally, treatment will include modifying sporting activity, prescribing pain-relieving tablets, and referring for rehabilitation to increase the strength of muscles around the hip and groin. 

Finally, we use ultrasound-guided injections as an essential treatment option for pain in the hip and groin. In specific ailments, injections may alleviate pain. These include cortisone, nerve blocks, and other injections. Dr Masci discusses specific injections for groin and hip pain in this blog. Furthermore, referrals to other consultants in hip surgery, hernia surgery or gynaecology are seamless. Dr Masci works in a groin group at Onewelbeck and can refer you to other specialists if needed. 

Click on the location of your hip pain to identify possible causes. 

Dr Masci is a specialist sports doctor in London. 

He specialises in muscle, tendon and joint injuries.